The other day I finally had the urge to clean out my closet, honestly I don’t know why it took  my so long.  I have a dear friend who’s sweet and keeps telling me I should go on a shopping spree and get ride of my fat clothes.  But I buy what I need since I’m not at my goal weight yet.

In the above picture are my jeans from when I was at my heaviest at 189 lb which was a tight size 16.  The jeans are sizes 16, 14, 12, 10, 8.
I’m currently in a size 8 and I’m thrilled about it.

Sometimes when you step on the scale and you don’t see it move in your favor.  Don’t fret the scale isn’t the only measure to see your successes.

Take a look in your closet and go try on the clothes you wore before you started this life style change.  You’ll be happily surprised with your Non-Scale Victory.

Wishing much success on your journey.

What are some of your Non-Scale Victories?