It’s been about 5 days now where I’ve been eating really good but lacking in the exercise and chowing down at night with munchies.  So today I decided I needed a little diet refresher.  Also here’s a few ways to stay motivated to lose weight.

Quote of the day:
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
Stay Motivated and Lose Weight

Many times we start on an weight loss program to fall off because we lose the drive and motivation to continue. To keep the motivation to stick with your weight loss program follow these simple tips.


  1. Keep Your Motivation
    What motivated you to lose weight? If it is truly your motivation that is deep within you then you have a source to continue when times get tough. Times will get tough. Whatever your motivation is continue to remind yourself. 


  2. Visualize Your Success
    If you believe you will be successful and visualize the outcome you will.   Your visualization will help you maintain your motivation. 


  3. Set Realistic Weight Loss Goals
    One of the biggest reasons we do not stick with our weight loss program is that we set unrealistic goals. When we fail to achieve them or seem to be off track we just give up. To help us stay motivated we need to achieve some success. That is why your initial weight loss goals need to be simple and very achievable. For healthy weight loss you should not expect to loss more than 1-2 pounds a week. Set small achievable goals. 


  4. Keep Track
    I’m definitely a diary keeper, food diary that is.  I write down everything I eat, Good and Bad.  That way if I have a good or Bad weigh in I can see where I went wrong.



  5. Reward Yourself
    As you achieve small goals reward yourself for the little successes that will keep you motivated for the big success. A Non-Food Reward.  Motivation and success are like momentum. Once the ball is rolling and it keeps going whichever way it is going. It is tough to change momentum. Therefore as we reward ourselves for little successes along the way we create momentum to achieve our big goal. 


  6. Have a Weight Loss Buddy
    A buddy will be there to encourage you when you need encouragement. They are there to motivate you and keep your eye on your goal and your motivation before you. It is best if your weight loss buddy is going through the process with you and you motivate and encourage each other.