Morning y’all,

I haven’t blogged in awhile about my progress regrading P90X and the Low Carb diet.    There’s hasn’t been much to update since I hurt my sciatica three weeks ago.  I did P90X workouts on Monday & Tuesday but Wednesday I found myself in so much pain I decided to lay off the P90X and workout in different ways.    Like spending 3 hours trimming trees in my backyard, ya that was fun…NOT!!!  Yesterday I went swimming with my kids and that was great, even worked on my tan a little 🙂

I did pamper myself with a pedicure which I did myself, my little piggies are pretty in pink.

As for my Low Carb diet and honestly I despise the word DIET, it’s “die” with a “T” on the end so I like to refer to this as my Low Carb way of life.

I’ve been doing really well this week, trying to make the right food choices, but I did slip this week and had some carbs.  But I’m not beating up myself with it.  This reminds me of the chat I had with a good friend who’s also Low Carbing and we both said how we’re enjoying the wonderful fruits of summer and how we’re having too much.  I said “It’s funny how our views have changed regarding what we now consider a cheat food, if having fruit is bad then we’re doing pretty good.”  We laughed.

I’ve been lacking in drinking my water.  I’m going to work on that today and stick to it the rest of the week.

I’ve also changed the look of my blog hope you like it.

Wish me luck and feel free to let me know how your progress is going.